
I'm Nicole Franco León

Geographical and environmental engineer, passionate about nature and its conservation. Being in permanent interaction with the various environmental problems, I have experienced the need to connect geography, environment, and people, implementing different methodologies for effective communication, through the GIS component.

During my career, I worked in various environmental entities, playing different roles from researcher to GIS coordinator, collaborating on projects where the territory is analyzed from different points of view, maintaining a holistic and interdisciplinary perspective.

When I am not involved with NGOs, I advise a variety of professional and student projects, I also support other women in the technological environment through PyLadies Colombia, I do amateur photography (Nikon D5300 camera and Mavic Pro Platinum Drone), I practice capoeira, draw, learn languages or read with my cat.

I deeply believe in being consistent with acts from thought. If you want to know more about me do not hesitate to contact me.

This is a photography of Nicole Franco Leon